Google Analytics - GSC Looker Studio Template for SEO Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Google Analytics – GSC Looker Studio Template for SEO Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Google Analytics - GSC Looker Studio Template for SEO Performance Monitoring Dashboard

How Much The Price? Berapa Harganya?

You define how much this dashboard is worth, starting from IDR 50,000. The higher the price, the more you appreciate our services.

If you feel that this dashboard is too expensive, or it doesn’t justify the price, you can get the free version here. However, we would greatly appreciate it if you could support our hard work by purchasing the dashboard.

Key Features

Key Features of this Looker Studio Template for Website Monitoring Dashboard:

GA4 Traffic And Revenue

You can monitor key metrics of your website such as New Users, Total Users, Bounce Rate, and even Ad Revenue if you run an AdSense blog. This dashboard is user-friendly, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple menus in Google Analytics. You can view historical data year-over-year in one place, comparing it with other metrics. Of course, there is also the possibility to enhance the dashboard by contacting us. For more information or to contact us here: or email us at [email protected].

GA4 Landing Page Details

This dashboard allows you to see more detailed performance of a page, or even URL patterns. For example, you can view a detailed performance breakdown of your /shop/ section.

GA4 E-Commerce Sales Funnel

This dashboard is primarily used by e-commerce website owners to track the buying journey. For instance, if you use WooCommerce on WordPress, this dashboard will perfectly display your users’ buying journey.

GSC Main Metrics

This Looker Studio dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of all your Google Search Console main metrics in one place. It also enables deep dives into query performance or landing page performance, with features to filter based on query or landing page.

GSC Ranking Shift

This dashboard is ideal for monitoring the daily performance of your main keywords or your main landing pages.

Fitur Utama

Berikut adalah fitur utama dari Template Looker Studio untuk Dashboard Monitoring Website ini:

GA4 Traffic And Revenue

Anda dapat memonitor metrik utama website Anda seperti Pengguna Baru, Total Pengguna, Tingkat Pentalan, dan bahkan Pendapatan Iklan jika Anda menjalankan blog AdSense. Dashboard ini mudah digunakan, menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk navigasi melalui berbagai menu di Google Analytics. Anda dapat melihat data historis dari tahun ke tahun dalam satu tempat, membandingkannya dengan metrik lain. Tentu saja, ada juga kemungkinan untuk meningkatkan dashboard dengan menghubungi kami.

GA4 Landing Page Details

Dashboard ini memungkinkan Anda untuk melihat kinerja halaman secara lebih detail, atau bahkan pola URL. Misalnya, Anda dapat melihat rincian kinerja secara detail dari bagian /shop/ Anda.

GA4 E-Commerce Sales Funnel

Dashboard ini terutama digunakan oleh pemilik website e-commerce untuk melacak perjalanan pembelian. Misalnya, jika Anda menggunakan WooCommerce di WordPress, dashboard ini akan menampilkan perjalanan pembelian pengguna Anda dengan sempurna.

GSC Main Metrics

Dashboard Looker Studio ini memberikan gambaran komprehensif tentang semua metrik utama Google Search Console Anda dalam satu tempat. Ini juga memungkinkan penyelaman mendalam ke dalam kinerja query atau kinerja halaman pendaratan, dengan fitur untuk memfilter berdasarkan query atau halaman pendaratan.

GSC Ranking Shift

Dashboard ini ideal untuk memantau kinerja harian kata kunci utama Anda atau halaman pendaratan utama Anda.

Dashboard Preview

Googel Analytics Looker Studio Historical Data Year Over Year

Rijal Fahmi Mohamadi

Starting my career as a Software Engineer, I have now become a Digital Marketing enthusiast with core skills in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), writing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media, and SEO Data Analysis. I enjoy working remotely, helping businesses grow and achieve profitability with my expertise. PS: Although Software Engineer is no longer my main profession, I can still code! I am proficient in PHP and am seriously learning Python for data analysis.